All posts by Latest News from @CloudExpo Blog

The Next Paradigm Shift By @ABridgwater | @CloudExpo [#Cloud]

Major product cycle changes tend to come around roughly every five years or so. The technology industry is fond of labeling these movements as paradigm shifts, but we’ve all heard too many of those things referenced, so let’s not go there.
Looking back over the last decade and the emergence of touch, our appetite for richer controls is never long satisfied. As soon as one finger touch arrived we wanted two-finger touch. Pinch and zoom wasn’t far behind and multi-user touch soon followed.

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New Ways to Deploy Applications By @JacobMoshenko | @CloudExpo [#Cloud]

The last decade was about virtual machines, but the next one is about containers. Containers enable a service to run on any host at any time. Traditional tools are starting to show cracks because they were not designed for this level of application portability. Now is the time to look at new ways to deploy and manage applications at scale.
In his session at 16th Cloud Expo, Jake Moshenko, Product Manager at CoreOS, will examine how CoreOS + fit into the development lifecycle from pushing git changes all the way through to running in production. Attendees will understand how different components work together to solve the problems to manage applications at scale.

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Predictable Performance & Granular Control By @KellyMurphyGS | @CloudExpo [#Cloud]

Traditional storage was designed to present a LUN to a server. This worked well until that server became a hypervisor running 10, 20 or 30 virtual servers, all pointing to the same LUN. Adding to the complexity, all hypervisors need to point to the same LUN to enable VM mobility or high availability. Architecturally, this creates a many-to-one relationship that makes optimization impossible. Each VM has a different I/O pattern. When they all mix together, the aggregate I/O becomes highly random, creating performance issues with no way to isolate problems or control I/O per VM.

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The Role of Internet Performance in #Cloud Services By @Dyn | @CloudExpo

With worldwide spending on cloud services and infrastructure growing by 23% in 2015 to $118B, it is clear that cloud services are here to stay. Yet, the rate of cloud adoption varies by companies and markets around the world. With thousands of outages and hijacks across the Internet every day, one reason for hesitation is the faith in quality Internet performance.
In his session at 16th Cloud Expo, Michael Kane, Senior Manager at Dyn, will explore how Internet performance affects your end-user’s experience and how you can make variations in the Internet work to your competitive advantage.

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Telecom, WebRTC and the ‘Internet of Things’ By @RingPlusMobile | @ThingsExpo [#IoT #WebRTC]

The worldwide cellular network will be the backbone of the future IoT, and the telecom industry is clamoring to get on board as more than just a data pipe.
In his session at @ThingsExpo, Evan McGee, CTO of Ring Plus, Inc., discussed what service operators can offer that would benefit IoT entrepreneurs, inventors, and consumers.
Evan McGee is the CTO of RingPlus, a leading innovative U.S. MVNO and wireless enabler. His focus is on combining web technologies with traditional telecom to create a new breed of unified communication that is easily accessible to the general consumer. With over a decade of experience in telecom and associated technologies, Evan is demonstrating the power of OSS to further human and machine-to-machine innovation.

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Blue Box “Bronze Sponsor” of @DevOpsSummit New York | @BlueBox [#Devops]

BlueBox bridge the chasm between development and infrastructure. Hosting providers are taking standardization and automation too far. For many app developers it does nothing but spawn mayhem and more work. They have to figure out how their creations live on a pre-fab infrastructure solution full of constraints. Operations-as-a-Service is what BlueBox does. BlueBox utilizes development tools such as OpenStack, EMC Razor, Opscode’s Chef and BlueBox’s proprietary tools give the power to do the unorthodox things which most hosting providers shun.

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Capital One To Present at @DevOpsSummit New York By @TopoPal | [#DevOps]

In his session at DevOps Summit, Tapabrata Pal, Director of Enterprise Architecture at Capital One, will tell a story about how Capital One has embraced Agile and DevOps Security practices across the Enterprise – driven by Enterprise Architecture; bringing in Development, Operations and Information Security organizations together. Capital Ones DevOpsSec practice is based upon three “pillars” – Shift-Left, Automate Everything, Dashboard Everything. Within about three years, from 100% waterfall, Capital One now has 500+ Agile Teams delivering quality software via Agile and DevOps practices.

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API Planet Driving the API Economy By @MedranoRoberto | @ThingsExpo [#IoT]

My previous two years’ blogs on predictions were mostly about rapid growth in the API Economy. Increases of adoption of API use, proliferation of API-enabled data connectivity, financial growth tied to API development – these and more like them became the headlining trends that have brought the API Economy to where it is now. Those predictions turned out to become reality, and they explain, to a large degree, why APIs are one of the most important business and tech stories of the past five years. Here I list my 2015 predictions for the API Planet driving the API Economy.
APIs have a long legacy, but it’s fair to say that in 2015, they are accepted as the single most critical ingredient of running a digital business. APIs and the data they manage are already doing incredible things in almost every corner of the business world and, for innovative companies, they provide the key functionality for an entire digital business. In 2015, we’ll start to see APIs move from being an interesting innovation story to becoming the key driver of business strategies.

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Traditional and #Agile Distributed Environments | @DevOpsSummit [#DevOps #Docker]

Over the years, a variety of methodologies have emerged in order to overcome the challenges related to project constraints. The successful use of each methodology seems highly context-dependent. However, communication seems to be the common denominator of the many challenges that project management methodologies intend to resolve. In this respect, Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) can be viewed as powerful tools for managing projects.
Few research papers have focused on the way ICTs are used in software development environments. We posit that the use of ICTs in a plan-driven environment can enhance team members’ interactions and affect the organizational structure (the organization can lean toward a flat structure), thus, reducing the difference between “agile” and “plan-driven” environments.
Given this focus, the present research aims at examining the way ICTs are used by software development teams as well as their impact on project management methodologies.

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Role of Policy in Hybrid Cloud By @DerekCollison | @CloudExpo [#Cloud]

Enterprises are turning to the hybrid cloud to drive greater scalability and cost-effectiveness. But enterprises should beware as the definition of “policy” varies wildly. Some say it’s the ability to control the resources apps’ use or where the apps run. Others view policy as governing the permissions and delivering security. Policy is all of that and more.
In his session at 16th Cloud Expo, Derek Collison, founder and CEO of Apcera, will: Explain what policy is; Show how policy should be architected in a hybrid cloud operating system; and Discuss the value policy can deliver.

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