All posts by Latest News from @CloudExpo Blog

Architecting with @CloudFoundry By @RagsS | @DevOpsSummit [#DevOps]

As the world moves from DevOps to NoOps, application deployment to the cloud ought to become a lot simpler. However, applications have been architected with a much tighter coupling than it needs to be which makes deployment in different environments and migration between them harder. The microservices architecture, which is the basis of many new age distributed systems such as OpenStack, Netflix and so on is at the heart of CloudFoundry – a complete developer-oriented Platform as a Service (PaaS) that is IaaS agnostic and supports vCloud, OpenStack and AWS.
In his session at 16th Cloud Expo, Raghavan Srinivas, an Architect/Developer Evangelist for EMC, will discuss the microservices architecture in detail and how to architect applications for the cloud in general, CloudFoundry in particular. He will harness the power of dependency injection that Spring provides to pick a variety of data sources and services.

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Why Hybrid Cloud Is Tough to Manage By @DerekCollison | @CloudExpo [#Cloud]

We’ve now entered the proclaimed “Year of the Hybrid Cloud,” during which more than 65 percent of enterprise IT organizations say they will commit to hybrid cloud technologies, according to IDC FutureScape for Cloud. Hybrid cloud is attractive because organizations believe they can achieve greater levels of scalability and cost-effectiveness by using a combination of in-house IT resources and public cloud environments tailored to their unique needs.
But it’s important for enterprises to understand that this new approach to IT architecture presents several significant management problems. In fact, the hybrid cloud can result in greater IT complexity and cost since each environment brings with it its own unique tools for deployment, management and monitoring, and companies will have to hire more employees who specialize in each type of cloud technology.

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Be Future Ready: Selling to Millennials By @Kevin_Jackson | @CloudExpo [#Cloud]

There is almost a deafening discussion going on about the self-centeredness of today’s young adults. Weather you call them Generation Y, millennials or twenty-somethings, the general refrain seems to be a perception that the entire lot of them only care about themselves.
Patricia Greenfield of the University of California in Los Angeles actually used the Google Ngram Viewer to study this perception. Her findings, published in Psychological Science, showed that there has indeed been a distinct rise in more individualistic words such as “choose,” “get,” “feel,” “unique,” “individual” and “self” and a decrease in community-focused words such as “obliged,” “give,” “act,” “obedience,” “authority,” “pray” and “belong.”

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Using Technology to Improve Market Advantage By @Dana_Gardner | @CloudExpo [#Cloud]

What winning sales organizations do to separate themselves from the competition by creating market advantage through improved user experiences and better information services.
The next BriefingsDirect thought-leader interview focuses on what winning sales organizations do to separate themselves from the competition by creating market advantage through improved user experiences and better information services.

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Announcing @TierPoint to Exhibit at @CloudExpo New York [#Cloud]

of cloud, colocation, managed services and disaster recovery solutions, will exhibit at SYS-CON’s 16th International Cloud Expo®, which will take place on June 9-11, 2015, at the Javits Center in New York City, NY.
TierPoint, LLC, is a leading national provider of information technology and data center services, including cloud, colocation, disaster recovery and managed IT services, with corporate headquarters in St. Louis, MO. TierPoint was formed through the strategic combination of some of the country’s most respected and innovative data centers and IT solution providers whose origins date back as early as 1995.

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Real World Internet of Things at Scale By @JimKaskade | @ThingsExpo [#IoT]

With several hundred implementations of IoT-enabled solutions in the past 12 months alone, this session will focus on experience over the art of the possible. Many can only imagine the most advanced telematics platform ever deployed, supporting millions of customers, producing tens of thousands events or GBs per trip, and hundreds of TBs per month.
With the ability to support a billion sensor events per second, over 30PB of warm data for analytics, and hundreds of PBs for an data analytics archive, in his session at @ThingsExpo, Jim Kaskade, Vice President and General Manager, Big Data & Analytics at CSC, will overview how user-based auto insurance can be implemented at scale. He will demonstrate a production deployment based on a cloud-hosted, cyber-secured, real-time to batch analytics telematics platform that enables what we commonly refer to as the “Smart Car.” He will also touch on how Internet of Things is being truly implemented across several verticals including Banking, this Insurance example, Health, Manufacturing, Transportation, Utilities, and Retail.

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OpenStack and the ‘Internet of Things’ By @PLUMgrid | @ThingsExpo [#IoT]

For years, we’ve relied too heavily on individual network functions or simplistic cloud controllers. However, they are no longer enough for today’s modern cloud data center. Businesses need a comprehensive platform architecture in order to deliver a complete networking suite for IoT environment based on OpenStack.
In his session at @ThingsExpo, Dhiraj Sehgal from PLUMgrid will discuss what a holistic networking solution should really entail, and how to build a complete platform that is scalable, secure, agile and automated.

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Plutora’s @DaliborSiroky to Present at @DevOpsSummit New York [#DevOps]

DevOps approaches within “Unicorns” vary significantly from the reality of DevOps in the enterprise. Most enterprises manage portfolios of heterogeneous applications that are increasingly interconnected, delivered by global teams, at various stages of technology maturity, and are often encumbered by additional compliance and governance obligations.
In his session at DevOps Summit, Dalibor Siroky, Director and co-founder at Plutora, will discuss the emerging and evolving experiences of Agile, Continuous Delivery and DevOps across Plutora’s enterprise customers, in particular how enterprises are going faster with transparency and efficient control measures.

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Docker Management By @CenturyLink | @CloudExpo [#Agile #DevOps #IoT]

Container frameworks, such as Docker, provide a variety of benefits, including density of deployment across infrastructure, convenience for application developers to push updates with low operational hand-holding, and a fairly well-defined deployment workflow that can be orchestrated. Container frameworks also enable a DevOps approach to application development by cleanly separating concerns between operations and development teams. But running multi-container, multi-server apps with containers is very hard. You have to learn five new and different technologies and best practices (libswarm, systemd, etcd, ambassadord, fleet, etc.) just to get started. In order to reduce the learning curve, CenturyLink introduced Panamax, a UX that incorporates all the Docker best practices and makes deploying complex applications much easier.

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Gartner Names @ScriptRock ‘Cool Vendor’ in #DevOps | @DevOpsSummit

ScriptRock has been included in the list of “Cool Vendors” in the “Cool Vendors in DevOps 2015” report by Gartner, Inc.*
ScriptRock provides visibility into the configuration state of an organization’s IT environments, enabling the continuous delivery of mission critical services. For enterprises where downtime is not an option, ScriptRock’s system-wide overwatch offers the assurance that misconfigurations and anomalies are caught before they affect the business. By satisfying this fundamental need of all IT organizations, ScriptRock has attracted over 1,400 customers from financial services, ecommerce, and travel logistics.

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