AppFog today announced support for Redis and RabbitMQ, two of the most in-demand and widely used solutions for developing enterprise-class, web scale applications.
Used by both enterprise developers and those building cutting-edge, new start-up technologies, Redis is an open source RAM-based key-value memory store providing significant value in a wide range of important use cases. The popular and powerful NoSQL database has become a coding staple for developers worldwide and depended on for scalability by companies with websites serving a massive number of customers and users. Redis has also been the most-requested feature across all developers. Used by companies ranging from GitHub to Blizzard and from StackOverflow to Flickr, Redis has become a best practice for all looking to create solutions with excellent performance.
“Redis has become a required go-to tool for developers looking to solve performance issues for their applications,” said Krishnan Subramanian, Founder and Principal Analyst at Rishidot Research. “Interestingly, it is recommended to add Redis to your stack to take advantage of it in cases where your existing database is of no use. As a critical component of many highly performant stacks, Redis is rapidly becoming the standard for memory-based key-value stores.”
RabbitMQ is an open source enterprise message broker solution, enabling robust and easy-to-use messaging for applications. The messaging queue software provides support for a wide range of languages, platforms and third-party services. Supported by VMware, RabbitMQ is used by a huge number of developers and companies to develop robust and reliable applications.