Experience key to exploiting cloud value, says new report

Albert Einstein once said that the only source of knowledge is experience. And in terms of cloud computing, the latest report from RightScale, subtitled “How cloud maturity unlocks cloud value” emphasises that to a tee.

The second annual RightScale State of the Cloud Report, surveying 625 respondents from execs to cloud practitioners, found a wide array of interesting takeaways, but the key theme running through the research was that the more time you spend on cloud, the more revenue you’ll get out of it in the long run.

This graph shows in particular how companies with more stake in cloud computing were reaping the rewards:

“These findings show that cloud benefits are not only a future expectation, but also a reality today for many organisations,” the report stresses.

As shown in the graph, the report put companies into four levels of cloud maturity:

  • Cloud watchers – organisations that are strategising …