What’s New in Parallels Toolbox for Windows Update 1.1?

Whether you’re a PC or Mac® user, you can get tasks done with a single click with Parallels® Toolbox. Parallels Toolbox for Windows is a go-to resource for accomplishing daily tasks—at a lower price than even a single competitive utility. Everyone from computer newbies to business pros can save time and effort by using this […]

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Announcing @IBMWatson Day at @CloudExpo | #Cognitive #AI #ML #DL #DX #FinTech #Chatbot

Join IBM November 1 at 21st Cloud Expo at the Santa Clara Convention Center in Santa Clara, CA, and learn how IBM Watson can bring cognitive services and AI to intelligent, unmanned systems. Cognitive analysis impacts today’s systems with unparalleled ability that were previously available only to manned, back-end operations. Thanks to cloud processing, IBM Watson can bring cognitive services and AI to intelligent, unmanned systems. Imagine a robot vacuum that becomes your personal assistant that knows everything and can respond to your emotions and verbal commands!

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Announcing @AvereSystems to Exhibit at @CloudExpo | #DataCenter #Storage

SYS-CON Events announced today that Avere Systems, a leading provider of enterprise storage for the hybrid cloud, will exhibit at SYS-CON’s 21st International Cloud Expo®, which will take place on Oct 31 – Nov 2, 2017, at the Santa Clara Convention Center in Santa Clara, CA.

Avere delivers a more modern architectural approach to storage that doesn’t require the overprovisioning of storage capacity to achieve performance, overspending on expensive storage media for inactive data or the overbuilding of data centers to house increasing amounts of storage infrastructure.

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[session] Automated Infrastructure with Containers | @DevOpsSummit @CoreOS #DevOps #Kubernetes

Containers are rapidly finding their way into enterprise data centers, but change is difficult. How do enterprises transform their architecture with technologies like containers without losing the reliable components of their current solutions? In his session at @DevOpsSummit at 21st Cloud Expo, Tony Campbell, Director, Educational Services at CoreOS, will explore the challenges organizations are facing today as they move to containers and go over how Kubernetes applications can deploy with legacy components, and also go over automated capabilities provided by operators to auto-update Kubernetes with zero downtime for current and secure deployments.

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“Unlearn” to Unleash Your #DataLake | @CloudExpo @Schmarzo #BigData #AI #DX

It takes years – sometimes a lifetime – to perfect certain skills in life: hitting a jump shot off the dribble, nailing that double high C on the trumpet, parallel parking a Ford Expedition. Malcolm Gladwell wrote a book, “Outliers,” discussing the amount of work – 10,000 hours – required to perfect a skill (while the exactness of 10,000 hours has come under debate, it is still a useful point that people need to invest considerable time and effort to master a skill). But once we get comfortable with something that we feel that we have mastered, we become reluctant to change. We are reluctant to unlearn what we’ve taken so long to master.

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IDC: Public cloud accounts for just over a third of worldwide IT infrastructure sales

International Data Corporation (IDC) has said that public cloud providers are reshaping the IT market; being responsible for a third of all the servers, data storage, and Ethernet switching equipment sales.

As per the IDC research, public cloud companies crossed a milestone during Q2/2017, now accounting for just over a third (33.5%) of worldwide IT infrastructure sales, an increase of 34.1% y/y. The revenue totaled $8.7 billion.

During Q2/2017, the Private cloud generated $3.7 billion in sales, an increase of almost 10% y/y. Together the public and private cloud IT infrastructure sales have nearly tripled in the last four years, noted IDC.

Demand decreased 3.8% y/y in Q2/2017, representing the traditional or non-cloud customers. Yet the segment remains an important one, generating $13.6 billion in Q2 and representing more than half (52.4%) of the market.

Demand for storage is high, accounting for over a third of public cloud revenues in Q2, an increase of 30.4% y/y. Sales of both Ethernet switches and servers increased 26.8% and 24.6%, respectively.

Research director at IDC’s Computing Platforms practice Kuba Stolarski said that Amazon has been a driving force behind the increase in the spending. Its rivals, however, are just sitting still.

Stolarski commented about them, saying “it is important to remember that many of the other hyperscalers – Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Apple, Alibaba, Tencent, and Baidu – are preparing for their own expansions and Skylake/Purley refreshes of their infrastructure.” Skylake and Purley are newer processor architectures for high-performance servers from chipmaking giant Intel that cloud providers can use to speed up their workloads.

Dell is slightly in the lead with 11.8% of the market on cloud IT infrastructure sales of over $1.4 billion and HPE is right behind 11.1% share of the market and over $1.3 billion in revenue.

Cisco is at the third position, with just over a $1 billion in sales and 8.2% of the market. Huawei, NetApp and Inspur make into the top five vendors. Collectively, ODMs (original design manufacturers) that sell directly to data centre customers beat all of them, with $5.4 billion in sales during Q2/2017 and 44% of the market.

Are you surprised at the IDC results? Share your thoughts in the comments.

Teridion Gets a New CEO

Teridion, an Israeli-American based cloud networking company, has got a new CEO. Saar Gillai, the former vice-president of Hewlett Packard enterprises has taken over the reins of this company to put it on the past of fast growth.

Teridion is a company that aims to create fast lanes for content to move from cloud providers like Box top their end users. In many ways, this company’s software acts as a traffic cop that direct users through the best possible route to reach the destination.

Let’s say, a user requests content from Box, but one of the nodes in the network is down. Instead of delaying the availability of data to customers, Teridion’s software routes it through other nodes, so the user doesn’t even know something is amiss. It’s not just when a node is down, even during normal transmissions, this software finds the best possible route to ensure that the content reaches users quickly.

Teridion claims that it can increase network speed by ten times, thereby offering high availability and on-demand services to customers. Also, there is zero capital expenditure involved in this process, as everything is controlled by Teridion’s software.

This four year old company helps SaaS customers to have a congestion-free and latency-ridden performance. As Internet traffic grows, it is difficult to continuously build out hardware and infrastructure as both are expensive and time-consuming. This is why Teridion came up with this unique idea to create a software that will manage congestion, without any capital expenditure for clients.

So far, this idea seems to have caught on well with customers in the tech world. Teridion’s revenue has grown manifold over the last four years and now, it is all geared to move on to the next level of growth and performance.

To help Teridion to leap to this next level, this San Francisco-based company has hired Gillai because of his in-depth knowledge in networking. He had worked in Cisco from 1998 to 2005 after which he joined a company called 3Com, a Cisco rival that was eventually acquired by Hewlett Packard in 2010. He continued with HPE in the role of a senior vice-president until last year. With more than 20 years of innovative experience and knowledge, the Teridion Board believes that he is the right person to head this company at this juncture. Gillai, replaces Chris Keene, who held this position for one year.

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[session] Enterprise #Kubernetes | @DevOpsSummit #DevOps #CloudNative #Serverless

Enterprises are adopting Kubernetes to accelerate the development and the delivery of cloud-native applications. However, sharing a Kubernetes cluster between members of the same team can be challenging. And, sharing clusters across multiple teams is even harder.
Kubernetes offers several constructs to help implement segmentation and isolation. However, these primitives can be complex to understand and apply. As a result, it’s becoming common for enterprises to end up with several clusters. This leads to a waste of cloud resources and increased operational overhead.

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Overwatch and Parallels Desktop 13

You may remember that the Blizzard game Overwatch—the 2016 IGN Game of the Year—was an example of a recent game that was not available to Mac users. Fortunately, it played very well in Parallels Desktop® 12 for Mac. That was the status a year ago. But a lot has happened since then. Overwatch has become […]

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NetApp Named ‘Bronze Sponsor’ of @CloudExpo | @NetApp #AI #DX #DevOps

SYS-CON Events announced today that NetApp has been named “Bronze Sponsor” of SYS-CON’s 21st International Cloud Expo®, which will take place on Oct 31 – Nov 2, 2017, at the Santa Clara Convention Center in Santa Clara, CA. NetApp is the data authority for hybrid cloud. NetApp provides a full range of hybrid cloud data services that simplify management of applications and data across cloud and on-premises environments to accelerate digital transformation. Together with their partners, NetApp empowers global organizations to unleash the full potential of their data to expand customer touchpoints, foster greater innovation and optimize their operations.

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