Juniper Networks to Exhibit at @CloudExpo NY | @JuniperNetworks #AI #ML

SYS-CON Events announced today that Juniper Networks (NYSE: JNPR), an industry leader in automated, scalable and secure networks, will exhibit at SYS-CON’s 20th International Cloud Expo®, which will take place on June 6-8, 2017, at the Javits Center in New York City, NY.
Juniper Networks challenges the status quo with products, solutions and services that transform the economics of networking. The company co-innovates with customers and partners to deliver automated, scalable and secure networks with agility, performance and value.

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Pulzze to Exhibit at @CloudExpo NY and Silicon Valley | @InteractorTeam #IoT

We build IoT infrastructure products – when you have to integrate different devices, different systems and cloud you have to build an application to do that but we eliminate the need to build an application. Our products can integrate any device, any system, any cloud regardless of protocol,” explained Peter Jung, Chief Product Officer at Pulzze Systems, in this interview at @ThingsExpo, held November 1-3, 2016, at the Santa Clara Convention Center in Santa Clara, CA

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[session] #DigitalTransformation | @CloudExpo @Interoute #AI #IoT #DX

Adopting the right Digital Transformation strategy for your enterprise is crucial to keep up with rapid growth, customers’ demands, and technological disruptions while remaining ahead of your market competition. Digital Transformation is no longer an option, it’s a requirement. Are you ready for tomorrow’s challenges? In his session at 20th Cloud Expo, William Morrish, VP of Commercial Operations at Interoute, will discuss these key takeaways.

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Hitachi to Present #DX at @CloudExpo | @HDScorp #AI #DigitalTransformation

The hot topics in the industry today seem to center around Digital Transformation and Mobile Apps. While a digital transformation strategy is crucial to keep up with the chaos in your industry, customer demands, and other disruptions, the need to create mobile apps to remain relevant in your market and to your customers is equally a no-brainer. Regardless of the approach, the next question always seems to pop up: What architecture should I chose? Native? Hybrid? Managed? Hosted?

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Hitachi to Present #DX at @CloudExpo | @HDScorp #AI #DigitalTransformation

The hot topics in the industry today seem to center around Digital Transformation and Mobile Apps. While a digital transformation strategy is crucial to keep up with the chaos in your industry, customer demands, and other disruptions, the need to create mobile apps to remain relevant in your market and to your customers is equally a no-brainer. Regardless of the approach, the next question always seems to pop up: What architecture should I chose? Native? Hybrid? Managed? Hosted?

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Announcing @DivvyCloud to Exhibit at @CloudExpo NY | #Cloud #DevOps

SYS-CON Events announced today that DivvyCloud will exhibit at SYS-CON’s 20th International Cloud Expo®, which will take place on June 6-8, 2017, at the Javits Center in New York City, NY. DivvyCloud software enables organizations to achieve their cloud computing goals by simplifying and automating security, compliance and cost optimization of public and private cloud infrastructure. Using DivvyCloud, customers can leverage programmatic Bots to identify and remediate common cloud problems in real time. DivvyCloud was founded by seasoned technologists who understand first hand what is necessary to succeed in today’s fast-changing, multi-cloud world. For more information, visit:

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Why your CFO is telling you to cut Azure costs – and what you can do about it

The rapid growth of Azure is certainly exciting for customers who have bought into the Microsoft stack. This momentum means quickly evolving product lines, balanced pricing and improved cloud services. However, dominant competitor Amazon Web Services (AWS) has had more time to feel and subsequently address growing pains that Azure users are now starting to feel. This means that AWS users have more options available to them to address certain concerns that come with using public cloud. Chief among these concerns is managing costs.

Azure spend growing

Why is this a pressing issue? As more and more companies adopt Microsoft Azure as their public cloud, the need to reduce Azure costs becomes ever more important. As IT, development and operations grow their usage of Azure cloud assets, finance is catching up. Your CFO has seen the bill and is likely thinking something like, “I thought cloud was supposed to be cheaper. So why is this bill so high?”

It’s no secret that overall Azure spend is rising rapidly. Azure is the fastest-growing cloud provider, from the standpoint of both adoption by new customers and growth within accounts of existing customers. Many users of other clouds, such as AWS, are also adopting Azure as a secondary option. But as one executive recently told me: “As we started to dive into it, we found that a large part of our spend is simply on waste. We didn’t have visibility and policies in place. Our developers aren’t properly cleaning up after themselves and resources aren’t being tracked. So it’s easy for servers to be left running. It’s something we want to change, but it takes time and energy to do that.”

Wasted spend on Microsoft Azure

How much are Azure users worrying about managing their cloud costs? According to RightScale’s 2017 State of the Cloud report, managing costs is a huge, top-of-mind challenge. RightScale found that customers consistently underestimate how much they are wasting. So, when we’re looking at Microsoft Azure specifically, how much spend is wasted?

  • The public cloud IaaS market is $23 billion
  • 12% of that IaaS market is Microsoft Azure, or $2.76 billion
  • 44% of that is spent on non-production resources – about $1.21 billion
  • Non-production resources are only needed for an average of 24% of the work week, which means up to $900,000,000 of this spend is completely wasted.

And that’s only a portion of the waste. It doesn’t even address oversized resources, orphaned volume storage and other culprits. Many of these problems are well-addressed in AWS, but the Azure support market is still catching up.

Is it any wonder that IT, development, and operations teams are being tapped by CFOs left and right to reduce costs as the Azure bill becomes a growing line item in the budget?

Control Azure costs before your CFO makes you

The good news? There are some simple ways to get started with reducing costs. Here are a few starting points:

  • Control your view –  the first step toward change is awareness, so use an Azure dashboard to view all your resources in one, consolidated place. I’ve heard from end users, upon getting a single view of all their resources in their dashboard, that they found virtual machines (VMs) they didn’t even know were running.
  • Control your processes – talk with your team and set clear guidelines around provisioning appropriately sized VMs, stopping non-production VMs when they are not needed, and governing existing VMs (for example, whose responsibility is it to make sure each team is only running the resources they actually need?)
  • Turn the lights off –schedule the “lights to turn off” when you’re not home. In other words, schedule non-production resources to turn off when no one is using them – by turning off nights and weekends, this can save 65% of the cost of the resource.
  • “Right size” your VMs – make sure you aren’t choosing larger capacity/memory/CPU than you need.
  • Set a spending limit on your Azure account – you can do a hard cutoff that will turn off your VMs once you hit the limit, or simply sign up to receive email alerts when you approach or hit the spending limit.

The growth of Azure is a tremendous development for many companies. However, the problem of cloud waste must be dealt with before it impacts the bottom line. So, automate your operations today and make your CFO happy.

Google Brings Startups Under its Fold

Startups are the drivers of future business. Regardless of their geographic location, startups tend to bring in innovation and new products to the society. But, it’s definitely not an easy road, especially in terms of financial capital.

Almost every startup has budget constraints, so they’re forced to make certain cutbacks. A lot of these come in the areas of sales and marketing, and some of it in technology.

Google wants to change that. While it can’t provide much help in marketing and sales, it definitely is reaching out to companies to give them a solid technological platform needed to execute their ideas. In fact, one of Google’s strategy has been to bring many startups to its platform.

Startups such as Planet Labs, Oden technologies and more that operate in a range of different industries such as space satellites, climate change, smart cities and more want to make use of this offer from Google. For example, Planet Labs is a startup company that wants to image the earth everyday to highlight global change. This company has switched to Google Cloud to host its images and for data processing.

Planet Labs is not the only company. There are hundreds of other startups that are switching to Google Cloud because Google is offering a plan that combines a ton of storage with computing, and of course at affordable rates. So, these companies get the best computing power within their budgets, so why not tap into this technological powerhouse to further their own research and development.

In another interesting case study, Google Cloud partnered with the Indian Satellite Research Organization (ISRO) to launch 88 dove satellites into space. This is the largest satellite constellation ever to reach the space, and this organization uses Google Cloud.

A London-based startup called Improbable is also tapping into the computing power of Google Cloud. This company aims to provide the technologies that will lay the foundation for smart cities. It currently uses Google Cloud to simulate entire cities and to give the lawmakers and public, an impact on every decision, starting from planning to garbage disposal.

One of the reasons all these startups choose Google is the mutual understanding that the startups have to succeed for Google to get a strong hold in this market and vice-versa. This mutual benefit forges strong partnerships that eventually augurs well for everyone involved.

For Google too, this is a potent strategy that can bring rich rewards in the future. When these startups grow, they’ll continue to use Google Cloud platform for their needs. With more usage comes more revenue, so Google will eventually make its money too.

It is also in a position to empower local communities and maybe even help them bring to the world some life-changing products.

Besides, Google can establish a good rapport with these startups and maybe even get a boost in its brand image –  all of which can lead to more customers and a large revenue.

In all, this is a good strategy that can help Google to catch up with competition from Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft and IBM.

The post Google Brings Startups Under its Fold appeared first on Cloud News Daily.

Six Ways CIOs Can Drive #DigitalTransformation | @DevOpsSummit #DevOps #Analytics

Growing a digital business is essential for virtually every enterprise across every industry. Large enterprises and small businesses alike are digitizing their internal and customer-facing processes and services to increase efficiency, scale their businesses, and collect meaningful data. Yet, while many companies have launched digital services to collect data, we haven’t fully tapped into the potential of data analytics—even though studies suggest that digital will be a top differentiator in years to come. Curious how you can get a better handle on digital transformation? Read on to learn why it’s so crucial, plus discover six key ways to digitize your business.

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