2012. This is the year of the cloud. This is the year that business is realising it needs the cloud. But why?
Efficiencies is the answer.
If surviving the GFC taught us one thing, it’s how to be lean. If business, and especially small business is to survive and even thrive post-GFC, it must learn to operate on a strict diet.
To be lean and mean. This means not just micro-managing your managers and staff to greater productivity, but looking at your business systems and how they can serve you, not the other way around.
By choosing wisely with public cloud services, businesses can selectively tailor a cloud-based system to their needs (and budget) without the expensive implementation and overheads previously seen with proprietary systems.
For example, a small business (in a remote country location) we are currently co-consulting with was looking to decentralise their accounting work. They wanted …