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Vandana Viswanathan Joins @CloudEXPO NY Faculty | @Cognizant #AI #SmartCities #DigitalTransformation

This session will provide an introduction to Cloud driven quality and transformation and highlight the key features that comprise it. A perspective on the cloud transformation lifecycle, transformation levers, and transformation framework will be shared. At Cognizant, we have developed a transformation strategy to enable the migration of business critical workloads to cloud environments. The strategy encompasses a set of transformation levers across the cloud transformation lifecycle to enhance process quality, compliance with organizational policies and implementation of information security and data privacy best practices. These transformation levers cover core areas such as Cloud Assessment, Governance, Assurance, Security and Performance Management. The transformation framework presented during this session will guide corporate clients in the implementation of a successful cloud solution. Session participants will gain a deep understanding of the cloud lifecycle model, levers and framework that will enable an enterprise accelerate the digital transformation journey and reap the benefits of cloud computing.

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Registration Opens for @LMacVittie Session | @DevOpsSUMMIT @F5Networks #DevOps #Docker #Containers #DataCenter

Lori MacVittie is a subject matter expert on emerging technology responsible for outbound evangelism across F5’s entire product suite. MacVittie has extensive development and technical architecture experience in both high-tech and enterprise organizations, in addition to network and systems administration expertise. Prior to joining F5, MacVittie was an award-winning technology editor at Network Computing Magazine where she evaluated and tested application-focused technologies including app security and encryption-related solutions. She holds a B.S. in Information and Computing Science from the University of Wisconsin at Green Bay, and an M.S. in Computer Science from Nova Southeastern University, and is an O’Reilly author.

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Anne Hungate Joins @DevOpsSUMMIT NY Faculty | @AnneHungate #DevOps #Monitoring #Microservices #ContinuousDelivery

IT organizations that don’t know their risk factors and exposure are likely to make investments in DevOps that don’t matter. After working with several teams that lost their DevOps funding after making automation investments in areas that were not business constraints, Anne Hungate’s “Know Your Numbers” model emerged. Join Anne to learn how to prioritize your DevOps improvements and demonstrate the impact and value you are delivering. After all, DevOps gets traction and funding when teams can show the business impact of doing it, so if you want your DevOps initiative to take off, be prepared to provide some metrics! You’ll discover the five key questions you need to be able to answer to show that your DevOps matters, and leave with seven actions you can start taking as soon as you get back to your desk in order to improve the results of your DevOps efforts.

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Torin Sandall Joins @DevOpsSUMMIT NY Faculty | @SomeTorin @OpenPolicyAgent #DevOps #Monitoring #ContinuousDelivery

Authorization of web applications developed in the cloud is a fundamental problem for security, yet companies often build solutions from scratch, which is error prone and impedes time to market. This talk shows developers how they can (instead) build on-top of community-owned projects and frameworks for better security.Whether you build software for enterprises, mobile, or internal microservices, security is important. Standards like SAML, OIDC, and SPIFFE help you solve identity and authentication, but for them authorization is out of scope. When you need to control “who can do what” in your app, you are on your own.

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Mike Kavis Joins @DevOpsSUMMIT NY Faculty | @MadGreek65 @Deloitte #AI #IoT #DevOps #Monitoring #SmartCities

Mike is managing director in Deloitte Consulting LLP’s Cloud practice, responsible for helping clients implement cloud strategy and architecture to drive digital transformation. Beyond his technology experience, Mike brings an insightful understanding of how to address the organizational change, process improvement, and talent management challenges associated with digital transformation. Mike brings more than 30 years of experience in software development and architecture to his role. Most recently, he was a principal architect with Cloud Technology Partners. A pioneer in cloud computing, Mike led a team that built the world’s first high-speed transaction network in Amazon’s public cloud and won the 2010 AWS Global Startup Challenge. He has written extensively about cloud technologies and the Internet of Things.

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Announcing @DevOpsINST Two-Day Certification Course at @DevOpsSUMMIT NY | #Agile #DevOps #ContinuousDelivery

This sixteen (16) hour course provides an introduction to DevOps, the cultural and professional movement that stresses communication, collaboration, integration and automation in order to improve the flow of work between software developers and IT operations professionals. Improved workflows will result in an improved ability to design, develop, deploy and operate software and services faster.

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Sponsorship Opportunities For @CloudEXPO New York Open | #BigData #AI #DevOps #IoT #Blockchain #SmartCities

CloudEXPO | DevOpsSUMMIT | DXWorldEXPO are the world’s most influential, independent events where Cloud Computing was coined and where technology buyers and vendors meet to experience and discuss the big picture of Digital Transformation and all of the strategies, tactics, and tools they need to realize their goals. Sponsors of DXWorldEXPO | CloudEXPO benefit from unmatched branding, profile building and lead generation opportunities.

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Announcing @ICCUSA to Exhibit at @CloudEXPO NY | #AI #SDN #DataCenter #Storage #SmartCities

ICC is a computer systems integrator and server manufacturing company focused on developing products and product appliances to meet a wide range of computational needs for many industries. Their solutions provide benefits across many environments, such as datacenter deployment, HPC, workstations, storage networks and standalone server installations. ICC has been in business for over 23 years and their phenomenal range of clients include multinational corporations, universities, and small businesses.

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All in Mobile to Exhibit at @CloudEXPO NY | @AllinMobileApps #Mobile #iPhone #Samsung #iOS11 #CIO

All in Mobile is a place where we continually maximize their impact by fostering understanding, empathy, insights, creativity and joy.

They believe that a truly useful and desirable mobile app doesn’t need the brightest idea or the most advanced technology. A great product begins with understanding people.

It’s easy to think that customers will love your app, but can you justify it?

They make sure your final app is something that users truly want and need. The only way to do this is by researching target group and involving users in the designing process.

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Announcing #Blockchain “Power Panel” Moderated by Ed @Featherston | @ExpoDX #FinTech #Hyperledger #SmartCities

Whenever a new technology hits the high points of hype, everyone starts talking about it like it will solve all their business problems. Blockchain is one of those technologies. According to Gartner’s latest report on the hype cycle of emerging technologies, blockchain has just passed the peak of their hype cycle curve. If you read the news articles about it, one would think it has taken over the technology world.

No disruptive technology is without its challenges and potential impediments that frequently get lost in the hype. The panel will discuss their perspective on what they see as they key challenges and/or impediments to adoption, and how they see those issues could be resolved or mitigated.

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